Marie Louise Marie Louise

Freedom - the inner child chat

In my view, our true nature embodies qualities like limitlessness, love, and freedom. What may seem like a delusion to some, an inspiration to others, or simply an altruistic concept, reveals its true essence through experience. In guiding with such attention, I cannot underestimate the value of nurturing and nourishing the inner child within us. Another way to view this is by developing self-love and self-care practices that support the expression of our true nature.

The mask that once protected us in our personal or ancestral history served its purpose at the time, but it no longer supports our exploration of freedom and liberated expression as adults. From this perspective, taking practical steps to nourish our inner perception, as one would a child, is powerful. These actions help integrate the energetic clusters within us, fulfilling elements of our psyche and energetic sphere.

As we shift our neural and physical reflexes to open new pathways, we allow more life force to flow, fostering a more liberated expression of our true selves.

7 ways to

  1. Play and Get Creative:

    • Have Fun: Dive back into activities you loved as a kid—drawing, painting, playing games, or building with LEGO. Playtime is like a time machine back to joy!

    • Unleash Creativity: Write goofy stories, make art, or pick up an instrument. Let your imagination run wild without worrying about being perfect.

  2. Be Your Own Best Friend:

    • Talk Nice to Yourself: Treat yourself with the kindness you'd show a little kid. Feel all the feels without judging yourself.

    • Pamper Yourself: Set up self-care rituals that make you feel awesome. Think warm baths, favourite snacks (in moderation), or a chill day in nature.

  3. Get Back to Nature:

    • Enjoy the Outdoors: Nature is like a giant reset button. Go for walks, hike, picnic, or just lie on the grass and watch the clouds go by.

    • Observe and Wonder: Try bird-watching or gardening. These activities help you slow down and see the world through curious, childlike eyes.

  4. Stay Curious and Learn:

    • Try New Things: Dive into new hobbies or interests without the pressure to be great at them. Whether it’s a new language, sport, or skill, approach it with wide-eyed wonder.

    • Ask Questions: Keep your sense of wonder alive. Read, take workshops, or just be curious about the world around you.

  5. Find Joy and Laugh:

    • Laugh a Lot: Watch funny movies, read humorous books, or hang out with people who make you giggle. Laugh at your thoughts. Laughter is like a big hug for your soul.

    • Celebrate Little Wins: Take a moment to celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Treat yourself or do a happy dance. Small wins can bring big joy.

  6. Meditate. Different styles of meditation are specific to the purpose. Each serving different needs and have very different activations within the experience.

    • 1. Developing a meditation practice, is an internal magic potion, the observer meditation, shows us our ability to witness and let go. This can become a superpower in nourishing and nurturing tendencies we want to flick or integrate. 

    • 2. Inner child meditation: In your meditation, imagine yourself as a child, How would you talk to a child that age, develop a relationship with her, him or they. Give them the tone of encouragement, and shower them with loving words. Tell them they’re safe, loved, and perfect just as they are.

  7. Give Your Inner Child Some TLC:

    • Quick Comfort: When you’re feeling down, close your eyes and imagine your inner child. Offer them comforting words and remind them they’re loved, safe and they are pretty darn awesome. The perfect imperfect.

    • Check-In Regularly: Make it a habit to ask your inner child what they need. Maybe it’s a nap, some playtime, or just a bit of reassurance.

Have fun exploring.

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Marie Louise Marie Louise

Lean in, breath in

Embrace Fear

Personal Growth

Transformative Process

Overcoming Challenges

Facing Discomfort

Embracing Dissonance

Psychological Growth


Positive Change

Professional Development

Emotional Resilience

Courageous Growth

Mindset Shift

Inner Transformation

Fear Acceptance

Emotional Intelligence


Coping Strategies

Mental Resilience

Facing Adversity

There is a profound power inherent in acknowledging the dissonance that rises in the body when something uncomfortable hits us. Often veiled by avoidance, denial, retaliation, blame, and resistance, yet unmistakable, we're prompted to consider: What if we saw the veiled trepidation not as an obstacle, but as an invitation?

What if, instead of recoiling from fear, we leaned into it? What if we allowed ourselves to breathe in, to witness, to truly see and feel the momentum of the emotions/energy coursing through us? In doing so, we open ourselves to a transformative process—one where fear becomes a catalyst for the body/mind's growth.

By embracing the dissonance experienced in the skin, with acceptance, we create space for it to transmute into something different, shifting the neurophysical responses of its past to something new. We invite the possibility that arises from that moment of acknowledgment, paving the way for insight and personal evolution. In turn, supporting the ever evolving environment to do the same.

So, I invite reflection. Where and when is the dissonance in your skin, in a conversation, a challenge, or the evocation of new experiences? How can we harness the energy of the subtle niggle as a force for positive change in our lives and careers? Where and when have you seen the power of leaning in as a transformative process? Embrace Fear

Personal Growth

Transformative Process

Overcoming Challenges

Facing Discomfort

Embracing Dissonance

Psychological Growth


Positive Change

Professional Development

Emotional Resilience

Courageous Growth

Mindset Shift

Inner Transformation

Fear Acceptance

Emotional Intelligence


Coping Strategies

Mental Resilience

Facing Adversity

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Marie Louise Marie Louise

Women’s circle - elevating the feminine

Women's circles

Feminine energetics

Sacred space for women

Divine feminine

Empowerment of women

Supportive community for women

Nurturing collaboration

Toxic expressions in female relationships

Balancing feminine and masculine energies

Cultivating self-expression

Benefits of women's gatherings

Inner growth for women

Healing through connection

Building sisterhood

Embracing vulnerability

What a crackin circle of goodness. It was awesome to play. Nothing hums to me more than facilitating and harnessing awareness in the multi faceted expression of energetics. A women's circle is an incredible pla

Women's circles offer a sacred space where women can delve into their inner worlds of feminine energetics—a place to connect to the gift of femininity, to move, reshape, and rewire the internal canvas using dynamic and creative feminine energies.

In ancient cultures, women gathering was a norm, a practice deeply rooted in the empowerment and support of fellow women, in turn, benefiting all. Instead of succumbing to patterns of competition, these circles provide a platform for nurturing, collaboration, and growth, free from toxic expressions like judgement, jealousy, and manipulation. Through regular practice and process, these circles become initiators for cultivating more of the divine feminine in the body, harmonising the once subjective imbalance of its oppression and leading to greater liberation, value, and self-expression. 

By creating a safe container for vulnerability, open expression, and support without the need to fix, women can tap into their innate qualities of heart, nurturing collaboration, receivership, support, and love, fostering an elevation of each other. When the vessel of independent balance awakens, it becomes an environment in which all beings bathe, offering the influence of the unique blueprint of feminine and masculine balance to be seen collectively. This becomes the feminine's superpower in influencing the collective expression of a non-gender-specific balance of masculine and feminine, supporting balanced expression in the template of all humans. 

These processes provide an opportunity to recognise the power of divine feminine energies and the difference in awareness they bring. When harmonising and movement happens from the imbalanced tendencies that keep a person or organisation stuck, we elevate a human's capacity to operate in their creative and inspired natural genius, through balance. Something which many organisations or institutions are craving.Such awareness encourages, values, and harnesses their superpowers—something worthy of exploration for all. 

It is to be noted, the feminine and masculine energies are present in all life. Each holding a unique composition. When we explore the inner dimensions of experience, awareness can rise of the divine masculine and divine feminine in tangible awareness. These expressions hold an energetic frequency which have the intelligence to harmonise unique to the vessel in which it moves. It is not one that is better or worse, or more powerful or less than, but a unique composition to express in its qualities of optimum force. The gift of being birthed in the vessel of the human apparatus is we can gain awareness of each of its qualities in experience.

Women's circles

Feminine energetics

Sacred space for women

Divine feminine

Supportive community for women

Nurturing collaboration

Toxic expressions in female relationships

Balancing feminine and masculine energies

Cultivating self-expression

Benefits of women's gatherings

Inner growth for women

Healing through connection

Building sisterhood

Embracing vulnerability

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Marie Louise Marie Louise

Level up or in

Embark on a journey through the realms of consciousness, where each level offers a new vista of reality waiting to be explored. Where do you find yourself on this spectrum? Does your perception shift as you navigate through life's varied experiences?

Consider your body and mind as a vessel, your "skin suit," through which you perceive and interact with the world. How does this vessel resonate with the reality you inhabit? And more importantly, how can you elevate this resonance to new scenes of perception?

The beauty of inhabiting this "skin suit" lies in the autonomy it grants us—the birth of subjective will erupts in the process. Within its confines, we hold the keys to unlocking doors, seizing opportunities, and shaping our collective reality for more elevated experiences.

As individuals we all have a short window of time in this skin suit, giving attention to the resonance in which it hums may just be the tweak necessary in seeing the world in a tune we are happy to listen to. 

So, fellow explorers, what will you do to level up your resonance and contribute to the tapestry of existence from the most powerful place of influence? Within.

Consciousness exploration

Levels of consciousness

Self-awareness journey

Personal growth

Reality perception

Mind-body connection

Elevating resonance

Autonomy and willpower

Positive influence

Collective reality shaping

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Marie Louise Marie Louise

Elevating Consciousness

"The full spectrum of body/mind functioning vibrates at its collective frequency—the body/mind/spirit vessel, named YOU. This frequency acts as an antenna, attracting resonances at the same tone. The patterning of what we perceive is filtered through the mind's electrical currents, often traversing familiar pathways shaped by habit and past experiences forming beliefs, thus creating scenes we've encountered countless times before.

The information processed by our interpretive vessel is cultivated from various spectra of influence: history, experience, environment, and the multi-dimensional perspectives of time and space. This infusion shapes our collective awareness. Why is this knowledge valuable? Because despite seeming beyond our subjective control, the triumph lies in realising our influence on the vibratory patterning through which we express ourselves.

Fine-tuning your subjective vessel influences the field of consciousness in which it resides. Nourishing your experiences with moments that serve, in turn, nourishes the collective frequency, which then defines the vibratory field within which we all exist. Whatever it is you want to see in the world, it is time to hum to that tune. In all facets of your life.

  1. What activities are you choosing today to tune your instrument?"

  2. Where are you giving your attention?

  3. How are you showing up in life that represents what and who you want to experience in the world?

  4. Where in your life could you infuse more of the characteristics, feelings and alignment to your desires?

Your state is the one that ripples, choose your state to influence the trait.

#evolveyourself #consciousness #wellness

'Discover Worlds Within' by Marie Louise

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Marie Louise Marie Louise

The art of process

The art of process, evolve yourself

Our ability to nurture our life with intention and care allows for the fullest expression of our potential. Like tending to a garden, we sow the seeds of our aspirations, water them with dedication, and watch as they grow into the vibrant manifestations of our dreams.
Just as the environment shapes the growth of plants, our surroundings, experiences, and choices influence the trajectory of our lives. Yet, amidst this interplay, we retain agency—the power to sculpt our own narratives, to paint our own stories upon the canvas of existence.

Giving awareness to the art of process opens the dance between trust and action, between surrendering to the inherent wisdom of the blueprint while actively participating in its unfolding. As we embrace this dynamic balance, we discover the beauty of co-creation, of aligning our intentions with the natural rhythms of life.

In this journey of becoming, let us remember that every moment offers an opportunity to nourish our potential, to cultivate play, and to bloom into the fullest expression of ourselves. As we trust in the process and tend to our inner garden with love, awareness and attention, we pave the way for the blossoming of our truest nature.

‘Discover Worlds Within’ Evolve Yourself with Marie Louise

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Marie Louise Marie Louise

5 Reasons Tuning Into Joy is a Tonic for Wellness

5 reasons joy is a tonic of wellness

In the pursuit of wellness, we often focus on physical health, diet, and exercise, but we may overlook the profound impact attention to Joy can have on our overall well-being. Joy isn't just a fleeting emotion; it's a state of being that can positively influence our mental, emotional, and physical health. We have the ability to cultivate the environment in which joy can thrive with attention.  Here are five compelling reasons why tuning into joy can be a powerful and potent tonic for wellness.

Boosts Immune System:

Research has shown that positive emotions, such as joy, can enhance the function of the immune system. When we experience joy, our bodies release neurotransmitters like dopamine and endorphins, which have been linked to strengthening the immune response. Regularly tapping into feelings of joy can help bolster our body's defenses against illness and promote overall health.

Reduces Stress and Anxiety:

Joy has a remarkable ability to counteract stress and anxiety. When we experience joy, our bodies naturally relax, and stress hormones like cortisol decrease. By intentionally cultivating moments of joy through activities we love or spending time with loved ones, we can create a buffer against the negative effects of stress, leading to greater emotional resilience and a calmer state of mind.

Enhances Mental Clarity and Creativity:

Joy has a way of clearing the mental fog and enhancing cognitive function. When we're joyful, our minds are more open, creative, and receptive to new ideas. This heightened mental clarity can lead to increased productivity, problem-solving abilities, and a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment in our daily lives.

Improves Relationships:

Joy is contagious, and when we radiate joy, it can positively impact the people around us, strengthening our relationships and social connections. Joyful interactions foster empathy, compassion, and understanding, creating a supportive environment where communication flows more easily, conflicts are resolved more peacefully, and bonds are deepened.

Promotes Overall Well-being:

Consciously choosing to give attention to things that make you joyful invigorates the pathways of joy in your brain to become the new automated response to life. In neuroscience, it's said that "neurons that fire together wire together." By consciously firing and wiring moments of joy, this neural feedback becomes the new norm. Conversely, feelings of the critic and judgment bias often create a deep reflex of toxic biochemistry and, if played long enough, can become heavy and depressing. Imagine the transformative effect of firing and wiring moments of joy into your neural pathways, creating a default state of positivity and resilience.

Cultivating our ability to attune and give  attention to the things that make us feel good is by far one of the greatest gifts we can give to ourselves and the world around us.  It isn’t always easy to see the good around our world, but with a little awareness, it might be worth the effort. So, here is the invitation to give wellness a crack and let your experience of doing so raise new evidence that you are worthy of your own attention. Let's make joy a priority and embrace its transformative effects on our exploratory and open wellness journey.


Evolve Yourself® with Marie Louise

Book link 

Marie Louise is a seasoned facilitator of wellbeing processes and activations, having positively influenced the lives of thousands of individuals across the globe. With a profound understanding of human nature and relationships, she has elevated countless individuals, enhancing their capacity to thrive.

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